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How to Take a Full Machine Backup with Acronis?

How to take full machine backup with Acronis cyber protect cloud;

The importance of data backup has become more important and critical with the digitization of documents such as physical paper, signatures, approval forms. Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Data security provides a structure that takes backups and automates them both to the cloud and to the device that we can use locally (such as removable disk, internal disk, flash memory).

With the Full Machine backup provided by Acronis, we can provide a consistent backup of both your servers and clients to different environments. If we want, we can return only one file, the files of the application (such as SQL database, Exchange Database) or the image of the machine. also Acronis' Universal Restore Thanks to this feature, we can use the image of this machine to different hardware (such as AMD-Intel, HP-Dell, Nvidia-ATI).

How to take full machine backup with Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud?

Devices must be registered beforehand.

On the Cyber Protect Console, we must select the device that we want to backup in the "Devices / All devices" section.

From the "Actions" menu that opens, we must click on the "Protect" option.

On the window that opens, we must click on the "(+) Create plan" button. We can also create a plan from the Plans section in the left menu lineup and control all the plans from a single place.

First of all, we need to specify a name for the plan you created in the drop-down menu. Naming is very important as more than one plan can be created for a machine.

After specifying the name, we will determine how the backup will be. We can start configuring the settings in the section that opens by selecting the backup option in the menu.

First we have to select the item to be backed up as “Entire machine”.

The backup location is “Cloud Storage” by default on “Cyber Protect Cloud”. Since we will be backing up to the cloud, we can proceed without changing it.

From the Timing section we can specify the backup scheme, time, interval and startup conditions.

In the section “Backup scheme” we can specify how to take the backup. We can choose the “Always full” option as we will have a full backup of the device.

By default, the backup schedule is “Schedule”. The "When a user logs in to the system" option is very useful for users' important files such as profiles. While the system is shutting down, the feature can be patched on the servers, etc. It can be used to revert errors. As an example, let's move forward without changing the Timing.

I set the schedule to start Today (Tuesday – 6:40 pm). You can run this schedule between certain dates if you want. For example, let's say that the backed up device will only be in our company for 1 month. With the option to run the plan in a date range, we can ensure that it only runs for the month of September.

In the "How long are backups stored" section, you can set when your backups will be deleted. What should be noted here is the marking of the backup types received. In other words, when you select the "Based on age" option, you specify the date on which monthly backups will be deleted, and the date on which weekly and daily backups will be deleted in the plan you created. If your backup plan does not include monthly and daily, the specified values will be meaningless.

You may have noticed that the encryption option is turned on and it is turned on by default, but a password is not set. For this reason, you can see an orange warning on it. You can set a password or turn it off by clicking the "Specify a password" button next to it. You will use your password when restoring from the backup and when you open your backup on the cloud. AES 256 is used as the encryption method. In our opinion, backups should always be encrypted, after all, if this data is compromised, your only defense will be the password you have set.

Note: If you forget the password you set, you will never be able to restore and open your backup. Even Acronis cannot reset or delete the password of this backup.

On your device from the application backup section;

Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange Server, Active Directory,


If there is, you can provide additional protections for recovery.

There are two different ways to protect these apps:

Database backup

This is a file-level backup of databases and their associated metadata. Databases can be recovered to a live application or as files.

Backup using app

This is a disk-level backup that also collects application metadata. This metadata allows application data to be recovered and browsed without the need to recover the entire disk or partition. The disk or partition can also be recovered as a whole. This means that a single solution and protection plan can be used for both disaster recovery and data protection purposes.

You can apply advanced configurations under Backup options. For example, in your backup, you can ensure that the type of files you want is not backed up.

After the necessary configurations are applied, you can create the plan with the "Create" button by disabling other open settings just to take a backup.

The plan has been created. This plan has been created for machine backup only. If you want, you can define additional features to this plan as you see on the screen.

The plan is applied to the relevant device and the backup is scheduled. When the plan starts, you can see it both on the client computer and on the management server.

We would like to point out that this information is reported to you at any time when Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is properly configured.