3-2-1 Backup !
First of all, we would like to ask you this as a reminder, when was the last time you took a backup?
Eğer hatırlamıyorsanız umarız size bu soru faydalı olur ve şimdi bir yedek almanızı sağlar?
In order to better explain the importance of backup; Imagine that your computer does not turn on when you arrive in the morning. In good condition, a malfunction has occurred and you can solve it by getting technical support, and maybe 2-3 hours later, your machine will be up and you will start your work.
In the medium-bad scenario; Your disk has failed, if you have to go back from your backups (if any) and do the same things again from the date you took the last backup, and you can continue to work.
The worst scenario is; All of your files on your computer are encrypted and if you don't have a backup, you have to pay to open them. Pay attention here, your data may also be on the internet now.
The common point of these articles is the experience you gain if you do not have a backup. (!) And you have to continue your business life with what you lost.
Unfortunately, it is unpredictable when scenarios like the above will occur. But there is a solution for this.
If you take your backups in accordance with the 3-2-1 backup rule, you can minimize the data loss that may occur.
What is this 3-2-1 Rule?
3; Having 3 copies of the data. This means that 1 data itself has 2 backups.
2; Keeping the data in 2 different storage units; here, you can take one of your backups to a device such as NAS, while the other to the portable disk / flash memory or Cloud in your company.
1; Hosting the data in another environment, you can choose cloud architecture for this. If you want, you can buy a portable disk and remove it from where you work after backup.
Making the above application is actually quite simple, but it is quite difficult to follow. That's why Acronis We recommend that you use it. Acronis You can perform all these operations and receive daily/weekly and monthly e-mails to track the backups taken. In addition, you can confirm that the backups you have taken are correct, and you can have the old backups automatically deleted.
Let's assume that the accounting records in your company are kept in an Excel table or Access database, for a backup of this;
Let the table be on your computer, apart from this, we need 2 more of this file.
First, you can make a backup of this file to a NAS device or a portable disk.
Then you can take a backup of this file to the cloud environment. In this way, your backup will be both outside (to be protected from disasters such as flood, theft, fire, etc.) and will be on your NAS/portable device in your company. Since your access to the NAS device will be much faster than the cloud, it will be more accurate to use your NAS device when both systems are standing.