Replication It's simply duplication. In the world of informatics "Replication“ It is a very important concept. It enables data to be replicated and/or stored on multiple devices.
Replication is generally backup and synchronization While they are thought to be the same concepts, they differ from each other with slight differences.
Backup It is aimed to preserve the data for a long time. Access time (also called return time) can be quite long. Also, in backup, data is restored only when the main data is corrupted. In replication, application, database, server role etc. Structures such as these are returned, allowing the operations to continue.
Synchronization' its general definition is synchronization. In fact, it is a method that we use even on our mobile phones today. For example, let's say you add a number to your directory. This data is synchronized so that it can be used on your other devices, thanks to the cloud storage service connected to your phone instantly. The biggest difference that separates Synchronization from Replication is the synchronization of data, a concept different from duplication. In addition, another difference is that synchronization works continuously. Replication, on the other hand, makes data traffic at specified hours.
Replication is the replication of a data to more than one location. Unlike synchronization, since it does not perform any operation during data processing, it does not tire resource consumption. In addition, data loss is very low when the data is replicated after processing. The difference from backup is by taking over all the work in case the master data does not respond. It provides an uninterrupted working opportunity.